Saturday, March 13, 2010 0 comments

Ok, so maybe break wasn't that much craziness. I worked most of break (and I'm gonna get a good paycheck in about 2 weeks time thanks to this.), but I can't really complain. Even with the boring, there can be fun things that pop up that you really don't expect.

I mean, it was a pretty minimal week, but I think that's what I really needed. During classes, I'm going so many places and doing so much stuff that I never really take that time to sit there and maybe just enjoy the fact that I have the ability to do that. I did that for a little while over break, but it wasn't the only thing I did. I know this may sound sad, but the thing I was most excited about for break was about buying something. Yes, I know, absolutely pathetic. But sometimes, that's the way the cookie crumbles with me, so I'll take what I can get.

This has pretty much been a week of me getting back into music, and I can thank SXSW (no, I can't go....) and Gorillaz for that. Last Friday I got the free tracks from this years SXSW bands and just listened to music that whole day. Ok... so for the majority of that evening, I was doing dishes too, but it was still a cool experience just to listen to music for enjoyment again, especially listening for something new. I found a few tracks that I really liked, but I've got a long way to go, so I've still got a lot of discovery to go. Then, on Tuesday, like anyone that knows me already knows, I was stoked about the Gorillaz release of Plastic Beach. I went out and picked that sucker up as soon as I got off work that day. I think I've listened to it 10 times by now, and I'm having a great time (though there are tracks still absolutely don't work for me).

Then I got some new albums from a local music shop I'd never heard of before and now I'm listening to even more music I've never heard before. Basically, it's a great music break for me.

Earlier this week, I got to bike for the first few times since winter started too, and... wow, you don't realize how much you miss it until you get back to it. I took a good hour and just biked everywhere I could. Best time I've had since semester started.

There just aren't enough days like that where I can go out for a long bike ride and just experience life for a while. There should be a mandate for that or something.

Ok, I know this is completely boring at this point, I mean I realize it myself. but I think I'll leave more stories of more things for later.

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