A Crazy Little Life

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 0 comments

Wow, it's been quite a while since I posted something substantial. I've said that so many times over the years that I'm just going to drop the rest of the aplogetic statement I always say and just move onto the meat and bones. Life is absolutely crazy at the moment.

Let's put it this way. You know that feeling of being stuck between a rock, a hard place, a canyon, and a frickin' lazer beam that's about to fire straight through your skull? That'd be the place I'm at now. A majority is family, I'll just flat out admit that right now, though they may not want me to. There's been problems for months where I just feel like the patsy carrying all the messages between family members on my back.

Basically, I'm the guy that has the Cow land on him in Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Then I've got school. This semester I've just absolutely go no way to have an outlet creatively (though that may change in the next month or two) and tie that to a foreign language class that I'm never good at, and a LAW class (believe me, it's tough to focus in that class as much as I need hands on work to truly get things), it's amazing I haven't gone nuts just via that.

And with ALL that already going on, I've just had a week where I found out a roommate was moving out of our house all of the sudden when I saw him and his girlfriend loading up his mattress and boxspring inside his SUV. It still unknown how the subletting of a subleasor is going to work out. It better, cause I really don't want to add 60 bucks to my rent check every month.

Now, there is something that got me back on this blog. And for that I have to say right now a big thank you to Wil Wheaton and his book "Just A Geek". Yes, I know his blog is read by tons of people who care what he has to say. Mine's not. It's a pretty easy concept to get. But for some reason, the book makes me want to blog again. Yes, I know this'll just be my little corner and probably only the few people I know personally, but I kinda think that if that's all it becomes, I'll be happy with that. I need to get on my writing anyways.

I've had that Pheonix screenplay/novel I've been working on since high school. I should work on that.

I'm wanting to get a career in the film production industry. That could end up creating interesting stories.

This could be a lot of fun.

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I... I mean.... Holy crap...

Thursday, October 08, 2009 0 comments

So, I can't say much, but if what I'm reading and hearing is true... ho-ly shit....

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Melancholy, Oh How It Astounds

Thursday, July 09, 2009 0 comments

Well... I didn't keep my blogging promise, but I don't think I was ever going to in the first place. That's just something that I shouldn't promise, or I won't do it, so I won't do that this time. The real point of this post though isn't about that, it's just about what's hit me in this last week. I've just realized today that I have a distinct level of Melancholy in me.

It's an amazing thing that it can just sneak up on a person like this. For the majority of the week, I've felt down in the dumps. Tuesday it sent me to bed early and late to rise the next day. But not until this point right now did I realize that this is truly and fully melancholy. I'm not really caring much about anything that happens around me, I don't care if it's good or bad, it's just happening. I've even watched part of a favorite series today and it couldn't shake me out of it. Now don't get me wrong, (for the most part) I get away with it at work. I can slap on a smile and a fake happy attitude as the next college student, but there's nothing real under that at this point.

Now, I think I can trace this back to events stemming from last friday (none of your beezwax at the moment, world), but for some reason, I think it may be something else too... I just don't know what at this point. This is just something that I'm not very used to, so I thought I'd write about it. Nothing more, nothing less.

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An New Begining

Monday, January 26, 2009 0 comments

Well, it's time for a new start here on the blog. I'm a Junior in the TCOM department, so I'm gonna let my posts grow up a bit. Not too much though, I wouldn't really like that all that much.

I cleared out the old entries that were on here. Yes, I really liked some of them, but I felt I needed this blog to reboot. I didn't forget about the past on here though. There were three posts that I felt could move over to this new version of the site.

One was the original post that started me on here "A Crazy Little Dream...". It's something that still sits with me to this day for some reason. I still haven't figured out what it means either.

The second is "Evolution of Stars and Galaxies". I just think it's one of those quirkier moments that I had that I'd rather keep.

Lastly, the post I'm most proud of, "The Darkness Always Comes Before the Dawn". I'm not going to say anything other than I think that it's the most profound thing I have ever written, hands down, bar none.

I hope you all are willing to take this journey with me, or if you're one of my friends who's coming back, I hope you'll continue.


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